Military Service Obligation Reduction Program (MSO)

Military Service Obligation Reduction Program can be used by Active Duty Service Members looking to reduce their military service obligation by serving their remaining time in an Army Reserve unit while attending Aviation Academy for Flight Training. Soldiers transitioning from the Active Component (AC) are eligible to reduce their Military Service Obligation in exchange for a commitment to transition directly into a Troop Program Unit (TPU)  of the Selected Reserves (SELRES).
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Benefits of the Military Service Obligation Reduction Program (MSO)

  • Reduction of up to 24 Months is possible after six years of AD service
  • Bonuses: Affiliation, Prior Service and Loan Repayment Options
  • Part-Time Pay
  • 24-Month Deployment Stabilization

Why Get Out of Active Duty Early?

The Airline Industry is all about your seniority number! The sooner you get that number, the more time you will have earned at the highest tier possible as a Captain of a Mainline Airline. The earning potential at that tier is $20,000 a month*, so every month you delay, that's money lost!
*According to American Airline Captains make $345,666 a year. This number is likely based on max seniority and is a conservative average. Some may make less; others may make more
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

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